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181081-181100 of all 182,288 gems.
181,078332tlopo-cmdLibrary to execute commands
181,078332kismet_to_kmlConverter utility to convert Gpsxml and Netxml files produced by kismet to KML
181,078332simulador_aplicacaoEssa gem faz uma simulação de uma aplicação financeira utilizando como índice o CDI, o ...
181,078332private_clientPure ruby client for Plus
181,085331parcels_challengeGiven a CSV file that contains a list of parcels and their respective weight and client...
181,085331mir_processingMIR means 'Manipulations d'Images en Ruby
181,085331bp3-paper_trailbp3-paper_trail adapts paper_trail for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3).
181,085331rborThe Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) is a data format whose design goals inc...
181,085331modular_state_machineModularStateMachine is a Ruby gem that offers dynamic state machine capabilities to any...
181,085331active_storage-blurhashUse blurhashes to lazy load ActiveStorage images
181,085331simple-mathThis is a library containing simple mathematical functions.
181,085331embulk-guess-msgpackGuesses if an input is in JSON.
181,085331cases_up_and_downA words to give upcase and downcase
181,096330objectizeTransforms hashes into objects. Check documentation at
181,096330vonigoInteract with Vonigo API though modular and tested Ruby code.
181,096330my_demo_gemdemo gems
181,096330huginn_port_status_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,096330net-natpmpA NAT-PMP client for Ruby. This gem allows you to interact with NAT-PMP enabled rou...