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181081-181100 of all 183,147 gems.
181,079423bitportDownload files to a secured cloud. Anonymously. Fast. Online.
181,079423rabbit-slide-nishidayuya-2023-09-16-matrk10-permanent_uri_and_dpu2023-09-16に開催された[松江Ruby会議10](での発表資料 --- ソースコードを参照...
181,079423FontAwesomeScrapperWith this gem you can retrieve all Font Awesome V5 icons and their unicode values.
181,079423ruby-lsp-fabricationRuby LSP Addon for Fabrication support
181,079423glim_aiAn easy way to access multiple large language models.
181,079423breadcrumb_keyBreadcrumbKey provides a straightforward way to generate consistent and standardized br...
181,079423luaofluaof is a Lua "our format" parser library. The "our format" is used for the Lua refer...
181,079423nblog_zonFile to Clipboard gem
181,079423fasta_motif_sliding_generatorGenerates the sliding iterable for the given fasta stretch and check its starting motifs
181,090422stable_diffusionNo description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
181,090422rorvswild_theme_rdocRDoc theme for developers with sensitive eyes.
181,090422broodLibrary for generating test-fixture data.
181,090422codegyanA Ruby gem that provides a simple interface to interact with the Codegyan API, includin...
181,090422monadic-exceptionsA bridge between a exception and a Result monad provided by dry-monads gem
181,090422tinybirdA Ruby client for the Tinybird API
181,090422phormAmazing forms for Phlex
181,090422timenvTimenv is a gem that retrieves the current time. Additionally, it allows for easy modif...
181,099421bopeepRunning one-off commands, templated scripts, or managing output from multiple servers