Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181141-181160 of all 182,960 gems.
181,134398css_cleanerCssCleaner parses ERB, HAML, CoffeeScript, JS, CSS, and SCSS files to detect unused CSS...
181,134398routerGeneric routing library for Ruby API SDK's
181,134398launchdarkly-server-sdk-otelLaunchDarkly SDK OTEL integration for the Ruby server side SDK
181,134398configmanA Ruby Gem for automating your configs!
181,134398raise_deprecation_warningsOverride ActiveSupport::Deprecation class to raise an error.
181,134398capistrano-running_process_checkAdd checking runnning process before all Capistrano tasks
181,134398rborThe Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) is a data format whose design goals inc...
181,134398nostosHello World
181,149397huginn_steam_news_app_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,149397simple_proxyThe gem in development is part of a suite of Developer Productivity Software that is st...
181,149397JAuthJAuth is a Ruby gem for handling user authentication in Ruby applications.
181,149397soliscriptsoliscript - run blockchain contracts in rubidity (with 100%-solidity compatible data t...
181,149397numerifyAn extraordinary Ruby gem designed to effortlessly convert numbers between Arabic and v...
181,149397fastlane-plugin-lazuriteFaslane plugin for RuStore deployment
181,149397theme-raikar01A short explanation of my awesome gem theme.
181,149397tr_semvermaintain versions as per
181,149397whalestack_sdkWhalestack SDK. Programmatically accept and settle payments in digital currencies.
181,149397sc2ai-kdtreeA fork of gem 'kdtree', which builds on Windows and depends on sc2ai. Use the original ...
181,149397ghostestOutput test code using LLM agents.
181,160396google-apis-merchantapi_products_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Merchant API ProductsV1beta. Simple REST clients are...