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181161-181180 of all 182,288 gems.
181,150323huginn_firefox_versions_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,162322hola_hasandiwanA simple hello world gem
181,162322xls-fileNo need to write logic to generate xls simply pass data and header and get your xls
181,162322google-apis-displayvideo_v4This is the simple REST client for Display & Video 360 API V4. Simple REST clients are ...
181,162322sq_numsSquare numbers in an array
181,162322bard-railsMetagem that includes all the gems common to all Rails project by BARD.
181,162322rrx_loggingRuby on Rails API core logging support
181,162322configuratrixConcisely, flexibly, and safely declare the interface to a script with a Configurat...
181,162322sneaker_selectorThis gem will randomly select a sneaker for you. Find a new discovery or your favorite ...
181,162322shola_builds_studio_gameA game built to refresh my Ruby skills.
181,162322clir-data_managerThis gem provides useful Classes and methods to deal with instances properties edition ...
181,172321skdejong_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
181,172321light_chatJust a proxy for chat GPT API.
181,172321shopify_liquid_simulatorSimulate Shopify Liquid for testing purposes
181,172321masstadenA library of data types and tools for constructing web applications in Ruby.
181,172321rrsRRs is a set of self-contained DNS primitives that do not share state, which makes them...
181,177320maileroobyRuby gem to interact with the Maileroo API.
181,177320api_alchemistThe API Alchemist gem is a comprehensive Ruby SDK generator tailored to simplify API in...
181,177320boosted-railsSet of modules to boost your Ruby on Rails development
181,177320logs_mainoRepositório responsavel por salvar logs de um sistema