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181161-181180 of all 183,147 gems.
181,161414hivexcavatorExtracting the contents of Microsoft Windows Registry (hive) and display it as a colorf...
181,161414hola_akhil_ankireddyA simple hello world gem
181,161414jwt-aws-kmsUtilize AWS KMS to handle the signing and verification of JWT tokens
181,161414theleafnodeHello World gem for a post about RubyGem, Bundler, and Gemfiles
181,161414hotwire_crud_gemCrud generator with static routes which lazy loads content using content routes
181,167413graafRuby FFI for Built a Shared Library by GraalVM Native Image
181,167413interactor-strictExtends the interactor gem
181,167413azure-janmg-blobMicrosoft Azure Storage Blob Client Library for Ruby
181,167413FloomSDKFloom orchestrates and executes Generative AI pipelines, allowing developers and DevOps...
181,167413addressable-prettifyPrettifies Addressable::URI objects.
181,167413fetchworksA simple gem for programmatic access of data about written works. ...
181,167413bitcoin_to_usdt_exchangeBitcoin to usdts
181,167413logstash-output-edge_promThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
181,167413botanyA framework for bots and scheduled tasks
181,167413passninja-rubyThis gem provides a Ruby interface for the PassNinja API, allowing you to create, get, ...
181,177412faseOneAlgoritmos e problemas
181,177412foobara-open-ai-apiFoobara commands and models for OpenAI's API
181,177412session_authenticationSession Authentication
181,177412filewomanMuch longer explanation of the example!