Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181121-181140 of all 182,288 gems.
181,118327jekyll-gallery-pluginIt applies a gallery template and checks for the files listed presence.
181,118327omniauth-mattermostOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Mattermost.
181,118327florbya static site generator for digital garden
181,118327rails_designerCheck out on how to get the actual Rails Designer gem
181,126326active_record_mergerActiveRecordMerger provides an extendable framework for merging ActiveRecord models, in...
181,126326swiftlruA Least Recently Used (LRU) cache in Ruby designed to be fast and simple.
181,126326vagrant_utmVagrant UTM provider that allows you to manage UTM virtual machines.
181,126326service_minderInteract with ServiceMinder API though modular and tested Ruby code.
181,126326ambient-ruby-clientUse this gem to get data from the Ambient Weather REST API
181,131325automation_test_no_submodulesSDKs (no submodules) to test automation workflows.
181,131325synced-latency-data-collectorData collector for synced gem for Datadog.
181,131325pragstudio_game_exerciseA randomized game exercise by Pragmatic Studios in Ruby
181,131325monitoring_engineMonitoring Engine
181,131325minato_ruby_api_clientMinato HTTP Client
181,131325jekyll-theme-strict-machineA minimal monospace theme.
181,131325lexoffice_clientProvides a client for the Lexoffice API.
181,131325random_pinThis gem is usefull for genrating 4 digit pin
181,131325deep_compactorDeep Compactor is a gem to deep compact nested Array and Hash.
181,131325jekyll-pseudocode-latexThis plugin allows you to write pseudocode blocks in your Jekyll site using a simplifie...