Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181201-181220 of all 182,288 gems.
181,193318mail_smtp_connection_poolMail extension for sending mails using an SMTP connection pool
181,193318jekyll-share-pluginIt provides links from Facebook, Linkedin, Reddit, Telegram, Twitter, and more...
181,193318kalamA mini mvc ruby framework build just for fun
181,204317owncloud_caldavowncloud_caldav is Ruby client for CalDAV calendar. It is based on the agcaldav gem.
181,205316hola_mundo_hnRuby gem for test
181,205316stackprof-route_middlewareRack middleware to profile each route using StackProf
181,205316todon-apiAn updated ruby interface to the Mastodon API
181,205316utraceUnified trace tool
181,205316drataDrata gem
181,210315logstash-outputs-percyThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
181,210315nevaehNevaeh is my ai that powers all my software development
181,210315releaseactiontestTest release.yml
181,210315luccychWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,210315rucop-rubomatic-railsShared rails rubocop config for BrandsInsurance
181,215314my_hash_diff_alexReturns the difference between self (hash) and a hash given as a parameter
181,215314solid_streamSQL based streaming platform
181,215314determinator-contextHelpers to construct Determinator actors.
181,215314cosmoverseRuby client for the cosmos ecosystem.
181,215314kibuvits_ruby_library_krl171bt4_A set of various Ruby classes and functions.
181,215314scnr-ethonVery lightweight libcurl wrapper.