Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182221-182240 of all 182,276 gems.
182,220139bai2_rubyBank Administration Institute 2 (BAI2) file format implementation wrapper for Ruby
182,220139rails-previewsRails Previews is a Rails engine that allows you to preview the pieces that make up you...
182,223138object_pathAllow the creation of an object that holds the steps through an object graph to retriev...
182,224137db-structDBStruct is a class that, like Struct, provides a convenient way to create subclass...
182,224137fastlane-plugin-appcircle_enterprise_app_storeEfficiently publish your apps to Appcircle Enterprise Store
182,228136salsify_rubyAllows users to use Salsify's REST API
182,228136watermelon_db_syncMake synchronize pull & push easier & faster.
182,228136llm_rubyA client to interact with LLM APIs in a consistent way.
182,231135jekyll-text-theme-forkA super customizable Jekyll theme for personal site, team site, blog, project, document...
182,231135parity-bhai-ka-gemparitition for even and odd
182,233134ruby-lsp-rails-factory-botA ruby-lsp-rails extension for factorybot, providing factory, trait and attribute compl...
182,233134oppenImplementation of the Oppen's pretty printing algorithm
182,235133gem_enforcerProvide the ability to validate targetted gems are up to date before executing commands
182,236132dry-operation_generators-rspecWrite a longer description or delete this line.
182,237131gemdockGemDock creates and manages Docker-based development environments using the dip gem
182,239127jekyll-gardenA jekyll theme for semantically inclined digital gardeners.
182,240120configsl-tomlTOML support for ConfigSL.