Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182241-182260 of all 182,276 gems.
182,241118spectre_aiSpectre is a Ruby gem that makes it easy to AI-enable your Ruby on Rails application.
182,242117time_range_uniquenessEasily set up time range uniqueness in Ruby On Rails.
182,243116airbasedRuby interface to the Airtable’s API.
182,244115gojira_apiopsA ruby gem to generate Kong configs across multiple clusters to achieve service equival...
182,245113action_mergeBuild local-first and collaborative Rails applications with Automerge
182,245113trello_toolTool for doing basic things to a dev trello using the api.
182,247112delicateA headless CMS, a work in progress.
182,248111cardknoxProvides a ruby interface to interact with the cardknow API
182,248111omniauth-streamelementsStreamelements OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
182,250110logifyerLogifyer transforms Rails console logs into well-structured JSON format, enhancing log ...
182,250110api_wrapperApiWrapper provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with APIs in a configurabl...
182,250110appear-cliA simple command line tool that allows users to switch between light and dark modes on ...
182,253108asimov.rbAsimov Software Development Kit (SDK) for Ruby
182,253108qr_emvParses a qr string according to EMV QRCPS
182,255107rkdSearch the RKD (Netherlands Institute for Art History) API for artists
182,255107unihan_langA gem to detect and differentiate between Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and ...
182,255107sorbet_erbExtracts Ruby code from ERB files so you can run Sorbet over them
182,258106ruby-text2sqlText2SQL is a gem designed to generate SQL queries from natural language inputs. It lev...
182,259104proto-pluginEasily build `protoc` plugins in Ruby.
182,260103domainic-commandComing Soon