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Most downloads over all time
182241-182260 of all 183,127 gems.
182,238270heroicon-rubyRuby on Rails view helpers for the beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, Heroicons.
182,238270testgemmA simple hello world gem
182,238270s3xScrape public AWS S3 buckets with ease.
182,238270taskcmdSimple todo list manager for the command line
182,238270clamoJSON-RPC Client/Server tooling for Ruby
182,238270fdupes_parserA parser for fdupes(1) result
182,247269kanayagoTrying to Make Ruby's Parser Available as a Gem
182,247269amstrad_gptConnects over RS232, supports response streaming
182,247269sidekiq-batchsSidekiq Batch Jobs Implementation
182,247269superjenn_temperature_check_gemConverts Celsius to Fahrenheit
182,247269orchestrate_flowRuby gem for managing complex workflows and orchestrating tasks.
182,247269migrate_factory_railsCompletely rebuild your migrations to agilize setup and simplify schema.
182,247269release_stageA small gem for checking whether you're on staging, production etc.
182,247269regorusrbplaceholder reserving namespace
182,247269system_commandRun external process as if they were functions.
182,247269unarchiverA small gem for extracting and filtering files from ZIPs
182,247269jekyll-asset-path-tagIt's... mesmerizing.
182,247269mytestdslA simple hello world gem
182,247269studio_game_aanonymoususeroninternetThis is a gem created as part of Pragmatic studio Ruby course
182,247269loc_marcLibrary of Congress MARC 21 / MODS / MADS parser