Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182201-182220 of all 182,276 gems.
182,197147new_birthdayThis gem provides a method to calculate the age of a person given their birthdate.
182,197147openapi3_invokerThis gem builds off of openapi3_parser to simplify invoking OpenAPI 3.0 operations.
182,203146kramdown-gemtextA Gemtext generator for the Kramdown Markdown parser
182,203146auto_seederThe auto_seeder gem generates random, valid data for Rails models using Faker. ...
182,203146tree_stumpRuby bindings for Tree-sitter written in Rust
182,206145opstat-masterSystems monitoring tool
182,206145honeycomb-opentelemetryHoneycomb's OpenTelemetry Ruby extras
182,206145partner_apiAPI client for Ascenda Partners
182,206145slidersCreate app'ish folders to group your features.
182,210144sportdb-searchsportdb-search - find national teams, clubs, leagues & more
182,210144feikuFeiku (pronounced as "fake") is a tool to generate fake data. Unlike other solutions, i...
182,210144subspawn-win32A SubSpawn subproject to wrap Win32 as a mid level API
182,213143sportdb-helperssportdb-helpers - parsers & readers and more for structs incl. countries, leagues, clu...
182,214141opstat-clientSystems monitoring tool
182,214141wordniknikThis gem provides a simple interface to the Wordnik API.
182,216140api-tester-cliThis tool allows users to interactively test APIs via the command line.
182,216140rwordnet2A pure Ruby interface to the WordNet database
182,216140expack_gemThe official ruby gem for ExPack web library.
182,216140gitlab-topology-service-clientClient library to interact with Topology Service for GitLab Cells architecture
182,220139letsgoOpen source SAAS template for Rails apps. With one command you get a fully functioning ...