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Most downloads over all time
182181-182200 of all 183,127 gems.
182,178277gem_pushA simple gem created to learn the process of publishing to
182,178277toggl_rbA toggl rb API client supporting V9 version of the main API and V3 of the reporting API
182,178277pitchCreate and analyze musical pitches from MIDI names/numbers and scientific pitch notatio...
182,178277test-test-sink-test-testRuby library to access the Sink API
182,178277inertiax_railsInertia adapter for Rails
182,178277omg-thor-extOriginal source:
182,188276sctechnicalchallengeSearch client data with different parameters
182,188276bridge_interactiveBridgeInteractive is a Ruby gem that provides a unified API client for interacting with...
182,188276stimulus_attrsHelpers to simplify rendering Stimulus data attributes
182,188276gem-jrubyJust visit the HOMEPAGE to the gem source.
182,188276spoofagentA Ruby library for generating fake user agents from multiple platforms.
182,188276temporal_enumAdd new methods and scopes for ActiveRecord Enum with a temporal progression
182,194275pyruA Ruby gem that provides a Pyru-friendly interface for Ruby libraries.
182,194275hello_world_gem_3test gem
182,194275fool_encryptionTo fool the fool!
182,194275rubocop-teamtailorUsed together with StandardRB
182,194275sgpgShort gpg, tool for manage your gpg key (backup tarball, unprivileged keys, etc...)
182,194275realuserThe realuser gem provides a simple API for obtaining the real user ID (RUID) of a proce...
182,194275stealth_dom_idstealth_dom_id extends Rails' `dom_id` helper to generate DOM IDs using an alternative ...