Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182181-182200 of all 182,276 gems.
182,180151webcash-rbWebcash facilitates decentralized, peer-to-peer electronic cash transactions. It allows...
182,180151couchbase-columnarThis library implements protocol and high level API for accessing Couchbase Columnar da...
182,183150jruby_parallel_processingJRubyParallelProcessing is a gem for parallel processing tasks in JRuby. It provides cl...
182,183150omg-railtiesRails internals: application bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks.
182,183150tiny_sheeta tiny spreadsheet calculation engine
182,183150engine-hacksA SubSpawn subproject to provide c/java extensions to modify non-ruby-modifiable classe...
182,187149drcheckrTracks dependencies and generates Dockerfiles using ERB
182,187149omg-railsRuby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sust...
182,187149time_tallyA skeleton to start a gem from
182,187149window_geometryshow window geometry
182,191148anki_generatorAnkiGenerator is a command-line tool to create Anki decks in .apkg format from YAML files.
182,191148rails_outboxA Transactional Outbox implementation for ActiveRecord and Rails
182,191148rubosquadA tool to run RuboCop on changed Ruby files in a Git repository
182,191148notion_to_htmlSimple gem to render Notion blocks as HTML using Ruby
182,191148subspawn-commonA SubSpawn subproject to provide classes common to all mid-level and high level APIs
182,191148rails-super-componentsRails Super Components
182,197147devops4lib-jekyll-theme-conferenceForked from: — Jekyll ...
182,197147gh_draft_issues_conerterConvert GitHub's DraftIssues to Issues
182,197147obs-lab-themeCayman is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
182,197147window_arrangerArrange window positions on macOS