Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127641-127660 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051midas-has_associative_facadesA Rails gem that creates getters and setters for associated object's attributes to aid ...
103,2051pdiPentaho Data Integration allows for the creation of ETL transformation and jobs. This ...
103,2051eldr-assetsAsset tag helpers for Eldr apps and Rack Apps
103,2051mothssi_dummyA dummy gem
103,2051haml-bootstrap-railsHaml-bootstrap-rails provides Haml generators for Rails 3 with twitter bootstrap suppor...
103,2051libyajl2-gemThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
103,2051opentracing-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
103,2051range_classifierBecause sometimes you need a width as well, and this gives you that.
103,2051demogemA simple hello world gem
103,2051event_loggerEvent Logger allows you to log events from anywhere in you Rails appliaction. Once...
103,2051pry-larryLarry keeps track of elapsed wall-clock time and tells you how long code or a Pry comma...
103,2051secret_sauceMy collection of Ruby utilities, mainly core extensions.
103,2051nephophobiaThis gem is a simple binding to the EC2 API. It has specific extensions to allow extra ...
103,2051maromiMaromi sits between you and your app and handles OAuth stuff. Dependencies abound.
103,2051pk-merb_facebookerMerb plugin that makes facebooker work with merb...
103,2051rl_hiya_flavius_stefTest gem for a rubylearning.org course. Not interesting.
103,2051random_pizzaGenerate a random pizza suggestion
103,2051padma-deploymentDeployment rake tasks
103,2051rappfirstSee Readme.md
103,2051scrapinghubSimple interface to Scrapinghub's API