Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127681-127700 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051pagopa-soapRuby Wrapper for pagoPA SOAP API based on Savon
103,2051github_issue_makerA GitHub Issue creation gem
103,2051gitloc-seangallenExample project for the Code Platoon, see https://github.com/JoshCheek/elective-buildin...
103,2051css_compressorA Ruby gem for compressing CSS files
103,2051volunteer_matchWill show closest foodbanks based on zipcode.
103,2051post-massage-railsThis gem provides PostMassage for your Rails 3+ application.
103,2051require_from_driveload configuration files from Google Drive
103,2051popper_js-rubygemThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
103,2051middleman-emojifiremiddleman-emojifire is a quite easy-to-use emoji extension for Middleman.
103,2051middleman-dragonfly_thumbnailerMiddleman Dragonfly Thumbnailer is a Middleman extension that lets you easily create th...
103,2051samlown-carrierwave* RDoc Documentation {available at Rubyforge}[http://carrierwave.rubyforge.org/rdoc]. *...
103,2051jrtikaJRUBY Tika connector to read text and metadata from files using Apache Tika 1.1. Usage:...
103,2051winningestgem install winningest
103,2051lunks_rghostRuby Ghostscript Engine is a document creation and conversion API, support(PDF,PS,GIF,T...
103,2051fenix-formsLightweight web framework inspired by Sinatra
103,2051mintdigital-multi_dbConnection proxy for ActiveRecord for single master / multiple slave database deployments
103,2051esilverberg-classifierBayesian classifier and others.
103,2051polkaEasy Dotfile Management
103,2051refinerycms-widgetsRuby on Rails Widgets extension for Refinery CMS