Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127701-127720 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051makeryA minimalist factory gem
103,2051middleman-extensionless-helperA Middleman extension to remove an automatically added content extension
103,2051httparty-iceboxCache responses in HTTParty models
103,2051multi_translateA library which allows to translate a text between two languages and using multiple tra...
103,2051kuromdThese are my personal productivity scripts.
103,2051error_counterDescription of ErrorCounter.
103,2051schatzTool for checking the connectivity
103,2051mysql_casual_explainHighlight problematic MySQL explain results.
103,2051simple-liquidsafe simple way to render a liquid template
103,2051lita-notification_weatherNotifcation of Daito Weather
103,2051discrete_distributionFork of aliastable by Paul J Sanchez. If a categorical distribution has k distinct valu...
103,2051remember_paramsMakes it easy to return to exact position on index pages after clicking on records.
103,2051google-cloud-notebooksAI Platform Notebooks makes it easy to manage JupyterLab instances through a protected,...
103,2051sldsA SLDS theme.
103,2051ruby-snmpThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
103,2051klimtCLI for the Artsy API
103,2051hola_akhil_ankireddyA simple hello world gem
103,2051nocms-adminCommon layout and functionalities for NoCMS custom admins
103,2051einfugTransform files and directories in a pastable form