Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127721-127740 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920durable_rulesA lightweight library for real-time, consistent and scalable coordination of events.
95,5920spree_cruxCrux enables creation of separate On-Line store for paid registered users.
95,5920rubysl-soapRuby standard library soap.
95,5920date_intervalParse date intervals from strings
95,5920BrianTheCoder-ratpackA collection of helpers I wanted for sinatra, thought I'd share
95,5920sakideSAKIDE encryption modul for CIB bank credit card payments
95,5920blinkeeAdds helper for
95,5920reirbPlace holder for reirb.
95,5920cocoapods-xzlintA short description of cocoapods-xzlint.
95,5920cuesmashAppium project manager
95,5920eac_redmine_base0E.A.C. base for Redmine.
95,5920erratic_password_generatorAllows users to generate a random password with additional arguments which they can pas...
95,5920rally_workspace_utilsA utility to translate a UseCase workspace to a UserStory workspace
95,5920json_normalizerNormalizes disparate JSON Schemas to Specified Schema
95,5920pacer-scaleGenerate and produce ranges in scale data structures in the graph
95,5920droxyA small DNS server and resolver hook to route machine.dock tp $(docker-machine ip machine)
95,5920JiraClientA JIRA API client
95,5920gitjiraGit JIRA is an extension that combines feature or all other type of branches with JIRA ...
95,5920studio_game_apicklerThis is the game from the Pragmatic Studio's Ruby course.
95,5920jackyIncludes a settings manager