Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127661-127680 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051rltStart using Git on command line again with `rlt`
103,2051ruledmake models limited.
103,2051instant_quoteInstant quote providers gem.
103,2051sixarm_ruby_pro_loggerLogs more information than the typical Ruby logger.
103,2051lockfile_preserverLockfilePreserver preserves section you don't want to update.
103,2051qui-paginationqUI: rails helpers for generating nice pagination
103,2051potemkinA gem to automate builds & deploys for Android, iOS and web apps
103,2051rails-real-emailThe Ruby Gem check the email address live for Ruby on Rails.
103,2051jekyll-minimal-dark-orangeA simple and mininalistic theme for Jekyll
103,2051inihA native library for parsing INI files.
103,2051parser-gfmThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
103,2051middleman-data_modelAdds simple model support to Middleman.
103,2051polemicCommentable extension for Rails 3 app
103,2051rubygems_over_sshleverage your pub-key architecture with a private gem host
103,2051openlogic-zipzip is a Ruby library for reading and writing Zip files. Unlike the official rubyzip, z...
103,2051sigmundSign urls and verify signatures
103,2051pandoc_rbFast bindings to Pandoc through Ruby's C FFI gem and Haskell's C FFI
103,2051hola_asimA simple hello world gem
103,2051fenix-cacheLightweight web framework inspired by Sinatra