Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127961-127980 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051mamiCommand for date
103,2051xmp_fixedExtensible Metadata Platform (XMP) parser
103,2051fusegenCode generator that simplifies generating new JBoss Fuse projects
103,2051pennytelA ruby wrapper for PennyTel WebService API
103,2051kibouHomebrew and Rakefile are OSX's best friends.
103,2051rack-nullsessionA Rack Middleware that fakes a session
103,2051grpcxgRPC extensions/helpers
103,2051gitlab-global-service-pocGlobal Service for GitLab Cells architecture
103,2051eliagbenuA gem by Eli
103,2051rearrange_bayesian_symbolicThis combines shuffling, statistics, and symbolic AI to carry out a similar process in ...
103,2051jhashJavascript's hash
103,2051moklett-acts_as_revisableacts_as_revisable enables revision tracking, querying, reverting and branching of Activ...
103,2051wenaA chilean greeting gem
103,2051friendly_timeProvides casual time strings, such as "about a minute ago"
103,2051google-apis-beyondcorp_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for BeyondCorp API V1alpha. Simple REST clients are Ruby...
103,2051relationshipsOne simply calls relationships to generate ActiveRecord relationship output.
103,2051has_fileMakes it easy to save uploaded files in the database with ActiveRecord
103,2051imt_rbIncremental Merkle Tree in Ruby
103,2051deis_deployThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
103,2051puttygenConvert or generate SSH keys using puttygen.