Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127921-127940 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051servicedeskUploads packages to the dropbox via http post method.
103,2051runarraya pure ruby implementation of a numeric array interface.
103,2051etcd-leaderSimple minimalistic library to provide reliable leadership election for your distribute...
103,2051gates_of_moriaA simple quiz to test Ruby knowledge
103,2051google_cloud_env_secretsLoad Google Cloud Secrets into ENV
103,2051sjson2srtConvert the sjson captioning format to the srt format. This includes an executable nam...
103,2051hbase2-rbEverything you need to build a Ruby client for HBase
103,2051libvirtinatorAn Opinionated libvirt VM Deployment gem
103,2051megaphoneAnnounce all test failures at the end of your Minitest run
103,2051voteable_ryanabAn ok voting gem
103,2051middleman-clowncarAdds ClownCar to Middleman
103,2051idtbeyondThis gem will allow developers to interact with the IDTBeyond API for all published ser...
103,2051moip-transparenteGem para integração com checkout transparente do MOIP
103,2051shrishyl_view_tool%q{Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.}
103,2051xml_in_kdlAllows XML to be encoded as KDL
103,2051playwright-railsHelps you write Playwright tests of your Rails app
103,2051maiaManage device tokens and push messaging with Rails and FCM.
103,2051porkbunPorkbun API wrapper for Ruby.
103,2051import.rbInstead of Kernel.require
103,2051jekyll_urlGiven Jekyll, Respond with URL