Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127941-127960 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051sneakers_exponential_retryExponential Retry Handler for Sneakers that just works.
103,2051pagelet_railsImprove perceived performance of your rails application with minimum effort
103,2051GareEnDirectGareEnDirect - Toutes les informations de vos gares en direct (Scrapper de gares-en-mou...
103,2051phonem_encoderThis gem can be used for finding strings by their phonetic sound - optimized for the ge...
103,2051lynns_testA simple hello lynn gem
103,2051quandl_loggerQuandl logger class for use in quandl gems.
103,2051ruby-imagespec-jpA lightweight module designed to extract the width/height dimensions of various image t...
103,2051MockActiveRecordMock ActiveRecord Classes
103,2051plusThis gem provides programmatic access to the Google+ API without making HTTP calls manu...
103,2051ecm_comments_backendEcm::Comments::Backend Module.
103,2051rtpushThe terminal push notification service for Ruby.
103,2051moiz-gillani-whatsapp-cloud-api-sdkUse cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business API to send and receive messages
103,2051smqlSMQL is a JSON-based query langauage similar to MQL. This gem convertes these querys t...
103,2051sentinel-railsDescription of SentinelRails
103,2051nepali_calendarGenerate Nepali Calendar (Bikram Sambat) and convert dates between BS & AD.
103,2051dl_experimentA framework meant to help you test (in production or in tests) the impact of an iso fun...
103,2051jwt_authorizeAuthorizing requests containing an Authorization header against custom permissions
103,2051logstash-filter-maskmask the sensitive keys
103,2051resque-retry-on-lockA Resque plugin. If you want only one instance of your job running at a time, but want ...