Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127901-127920 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051view_tool_portfolioProvides general html data for rails application
103,2051echometAllows application to configure which ActiveSupport notifications they wish to report m...
103,2051mod_10# Mod10 A simple gem to generate mod_10 check digits and check if integers are mod10 v...
103,2051meetups-wwcnycCLI gem that allows users to receive a list of upcoming WomenWhoCode - NYC meetups, and...
103,2051hecks-eventsHecks Events
103,2051estreetCreate simple estree-type abstract syntax trees (ASTs) from Ruby. You could use it in t...
103,2051git-pcheckoutGit command to evenly checkout local/remote branches and source/fork pull requests by U...
103,2051litterParses a log of collected litter. For avid trash-picker-uppers.
103,2051devise-bulma-viewsBulma views for Devise with I18n support.
103,2051ruboty-phraseappRuboty plugin for phraseapp
103,2051xilinx-provisionWraps the impact CLI tool in the Xilinx ISE
103,2051kevin_thompsonA gem used to find information about Kevin Thompson
103,2051rack-in-app-purchaseRack middleware for in-app purchase receipt verification and product listing.
103,2051dominium_stuffCreates a environment 'ready to play' with simple and common data inserted with a simpl...
103,2051ruby-mws(Under development) This gem serves as a wrapper for Amazon.com's Marketplace Web Servi...
103,2051preferedAllows you to add preferences to any active record model
103,2051smfbotIRC bot engine build for #smf.sh and related channels.
103,2051scope_filterscope_filter is a filter- and search-library for ActiveRecord models using scopes
103,2051rack-puttySimple web framework built on rack for mapping sinatra-like routes to middleware stacks.