Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
127881-127900 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920blomming_apiwww.blomming.com social commerce API's wrapper
95,5920rdruby kernel classes documentation cli tool
95,5920superheroA gem to generate random superhero powers
95,5920jrJr. lets you communicate with an HTTP JSON RPC server.
95,5920fluent-plugin-formatter_pretty_jsonFluentd formatter plugin for formatting record to pretty json.
95,5920flex-adminProvides binary and rake tasks to dump, load and optionally rename indices. Implements ...
95,5920friendly_formatmake user input be valid xhtml and format it with gsub("\n", "
") etc. you can par...
95,5920couchbase-jruby-clientCouchbase JRuby driver
95,5920gexpGexp - comand hadlers
95,5920compass-slickmapSlickmap for Compass
95,5920footnotesRails GUI based debugging
95,5920ramenuRamenu is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating and managing navigation menus for ...
95,5920hookaCapistrano recipes
95,5920fukowlfukowl is a tool to modify files.
95,5920easycronEasyCron API Ruby Client.
95,5920kalahKalah is a Ruby based Kalah/Kalaha/Mancala engine. Useful for making intelligent game a...
95,5920bryan-ash-pcanusbPCAN is a Controller Area Network (CAN) device that connects to a PC via USB. It ships ...
95,5920smart_seedsIt determines types of fields(attributes) of an ActiveRecord model and creates records ...
95,5920jekyll-faviconJekyll-favicon is a jekyll plugin that adds the tag favicon, generating html tags for f...
95,5920filebound_clientProvides connection to FileBound API