Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129001-129020 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920json_parserJson Parser
95,5920stubborn_queueQueueing that keeps on kicking until you tell it to stop.
95,5920collection_baseCollection base for develop Collection in Cenithub
95,5920delta_testdelta_test analyzes your tests and runs only related tests for your file changes
95,5920DropInDrop-In styles into your Rails Application
95,5920slouchBackbone Scaffolding for Rails projects
95,5920silverstripe-deploySilverstripe specific deployment recipes
95,5920ruby-libsamplerateRuby binding for libsamplerate (aka "Secret Rabbit Code"). libsamplerate is an audio sa...
95,5920edirEDI File parsing in ruby
95,5920cloud_files_transferTransfer Rackspace Cloud Files assets from one container to another or from account to ...
95,5920bogo_sortYou'll be able to use Array#bogosort (this is an alias for: Array#bogo_sort) And Ar...
95,5920simpautSimple API for home device automation, tailored to specific needs
95,5920rails-monitoringRails engine that provides a JSON API which serves Sidekiq and Whenever status informat...
95,5920jekyll-theme-charcoalA charcoal gray jekyll theme.
95,5920fact_is_factlibrary helps you display random facts about a number or date or a year.
95,5920consul_kv_backupSend consul watch events to an amqp.
95,5920rdataA datastructures library for Ruby (Nothing to do with the R language)
95,5920rs-active_admin-sortable_treeSortableTree provides sorting of lists and hierarchies from ActiveAdmin index views.
95,5920sktl_to_liquidSKTL to Liquid converter