Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129181-129200 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051primeira_gemMinha primeira gem!
103,2051xn.rbAims to provide a semantic wrapper for the XN Logic graph-db application framework's RE...
103,2051object_selectorRegex rule based object selector
103,2051robjectRObject is a wrapper library for RSRuby.
103,2051lucioLucio is intended to be a Lisp-like language developed in Ruby only for knowledge and fun.
103,2051rspec_engine_generatorThor based gem that generates an RSpec ready Rails 3 engine
103,2051embulk-input-apache-dummy-logApache Dummy Log input plugin is an Embulk plugin that loads records from Apache Dummy ...
103,2051salt-and-pepperSuper easy password salting and hashing for ActiveRecord (Rails)
103,2051graphql_scaffold_fanHelping creating graphql files
103,2051kakuyomu_clientClient interface for Kakuyomu to automate episode management
103,2051pshq_engineWrite a longer description or delete this line.
103,2051parker_firstPracticing creating a gem for practice.
103,2051mm-transitionsa simple mongomapper plugin to add a full featured state machine to your models
103,2051rsformatFormats the rspec results beautifully in html
103,2051gem_menuGemMenu allows a user to easily create a menu interface for a CLI or other text based app.
103,2051itcsscliManage you CSS with ITCSS from command line.
103,2051legion-extensionsUsed by a LEX to integrate with Legion
103,2051gmail_markupGmail markup in rails
103,2051PostlightMCTestNo description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/sw...
103,2051librouteLibroute standardises and simplifies the process of running third party libraries