Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131461-131480 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731persian_date_jsA gem for adding PersianDate JS library to your Rails project.
110,9731listenerShare the LISTEN functionality of a single PG connection
110,9731interpresCLI interface to the Interpres server
110,9731rproofSimple test framework in Ruby.
110,9731sean-rets[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/estately/rets.png?branch=master)](http://...
110,9731shroudA wrapper for the CloudApp REST API, including a command line executable
110,9731rrunitCreates and writes runit service files
110,9731solar_geometry_calculationMathematical part of obtaining solar geometry information
110,9731db_tasksCurrently just a MySQL import script for copying from a MySQL server by SSHing into a p...
110,9731rails-supportDescription of RailsSupport.
110,9731leftpadaruWrite a longer description or delete this line.
110,9731akariNew Brainf*ck derivation language generator and executor.
110,9731basenewscatcherbuilderPass in the host name, your api key, and the desired endpoint.
110,9731doctest2-minitestIntegrates documentation tests with Minitest.
110,9731nonNÖN is an engine you can use to make 2D games in Ruby and Lua. It's free, open-source, ...
110,9731grzegorzkazulak-ruby-flakerAPI wrapper for Flaker.pl written in Ruby.
110,9731rails_csv_importerDefine configuration in a hash and then import Ruby on Rails model data from CSV with o...
110,9731lita-how-manyA Lita handler for answering questions about quantity.
110,9731doge-chef-formatterMuch resources. So log. Wow.