Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131481-131500 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910fireflyFirefly is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby an...
121,9910mloughran-api_cacheAPICache allows any API client library to be easily wrapped with a robust caching layer...
121,9910hiworldSays hi to everyone
121,9910fluent-plugin-dynamodb-streamsAmazon DynamoDB Streams input plugin for Fluentd
121,9910reactive_supportActiveSupport methods re-implemented independently of the Rails ecosystem
121,9910lita-pagerduty-oncallCalls pager duty api to find who is oncall
121,9910rails-jcarouselintegrate jQuery carousel in rails in assets folder
121,9910hashie-preHashie is a small collection of tools that make hashes more powerful. Currently include...
121,9910parity_prop_prasparity_prop_pras: evens and odds
121,9910kayden_view_toolProvides generated HTML for Rails applications
121,9910pgbPostgres-specific ORM for Ruby
121,9910mastercard_personalizedloyaltyoffersMasterCard PersonalizedLoyaltyOffers Description
121,9910hellogrpcSay Hi
121,9910hubishImports and exports issues from github per-project
121,9910offsite_payments_pay2go_cvsOffsitePayments for Pay2go_cvs
121,9910professionProvides a list of professions and occupations to ruby app
121,9910git-feats`git-feats` is a command line utility which adds achievements to git. Based on your ...
121,9910quantipay-acts_as_secureActs as secure adds automatic encryption and decryption to an ActiveRecord model
121,9910joshbuddy-fuzzyhashA weird hash with special semantics for regex keys