Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131501-131520 of all 180,702 gems.
94,8311redvex-ar_cachePerforme ActiveRecord cache in File System for heavy and repetitive query.
94,8311zchannelProvides a high level and easy to use API for sending objects between Ruby processes
94,8311rails_ui_exampleDescription of RailsUiExample.
94,8311ruby-dbus-openplacosFork from ruby-dbus
94,8311embulk-decoder-lz4Decodes LZ4 files read by other file input plugins.
94,8311platonic_configPlatonic makes it easy to stop worrying about the implementation details of class confi...
94,8311mindaslab_helloA gem from Karthikeyan A K
94,8311nanoc-searchIndex items from nanoc site
94,8311extended-shamir-secret-sharingGem for Shamir's Secret Sharing
94,8311distorted-boothGraphical interface for DistorteD multimedia toolkit.
94,8311xml_fixturesThis gem provides your tests with the ability to load XML from fixture files and compar...
94,8311NuDetectThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
94,8311bloomA framework for building hypersonic aircrafts in Ruby
94,8311scrapersA library of web site scrapers utilizing mechanize and other goodies. Helpful in gather...
94,8311solidus_asset_variant_optionsSpree makes it tedious to upload the same image acrossmultiple variants. This gem solve...
94,8311scheduleA Ruby replacement for Cron
94,8311vaiA Vagrant provisioning plugin to output a usable Ansible inventory to use outside Vagrant.
94,8311voteable_kudzaiThis is the number one voting gem.
94,8311hola_a1628nmA simple hello world gem