Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132281-132300 of all 180,469 gems.
50,1070ideconGenerating an identicon for a Level.travel's task
50,1070sis_coreAn engine which contains the core of the student information system app as a layer.
50,1070formatronAWS/Chef deployment tool based around Chef Server and AWS CloudFormation
50,1070lazyatom-twittera command line interface for twitter, also a library which wraps the twitter api
50,1070lh2ghExport all of your tickets from Lighthouse to Github issues in one fell swoop.
50,1070google-picasaAccess Picasa Web Album using pure Ruby code.
50,1070rong-auth-service-rubyWell wrapped rong-auth-service interpreting with ruby. And which is my first Gem Component
50,1070cloudmersive-configuration-api-clientShare configuration and orchestrate API calls.
50,1070unobtainium-multiwaitThis gem provides a driver module for unobtainium allowing for more easily waiting ...
50,1070google-apis-privateca_v1beta1This is the simple REST client for Certificate Authority API V1beta1. Simple REST clien...
50,1070MenuDietetico_alu0100825510Gema para crear menús dietéticos
50,1070purplish-layoutA RubyMotion wrapper for Auto Layout on iOS and OS X
50,1070tiny-forumDescription of TinyForum.
50,1070wentling_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application.
50,1070hws-storesExperimental store primitive
50,1070rack-ratelimiterRedis backed rack middleware for rate-limiting http requests
50,1070omniauth-central_loginA companion gem to CentralLogin, a batteries included open source OAuth2 Provider based...
50,1070cannon_toolsProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
50,1070turing_machineA Turing machine that can run your instruction set
50,1070soonerComming soon page for your upcoming application.