Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132321-132340 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382browser-inspectOpen up strings in your default browser
110,0382devver-germinate-atompubAn Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) plugin for Germinate.
110,0382eallydumbThus is ubygems
110,0382haoyaoshihaoyaoshi drug api Ruby Server SDK.
110,0382saLOUt-kdegettextKDEgettext.rb is a parser that extends ruby gettext to work with the Qt/KDE framework p...
110,0382capistrano-upstart-serviceEasily define Capistrano 3.x tasks for your Upstart services.
110,0382findxcprojorphanFinds source files unreferenced in Xcode project
110,0382hako-github_statusHako Script to update app image tag with GitHub commit status
110,0382evm_clientEvmClient is Ruby Ethereum client using the JSON-RPC interface. Provides interface for ...
110,0382create_update_destroy_asyncExecute create/update/destroy operations asynchronously in your Rails app
110,0382finance_velocityThe finance library provides a Ruby interface for working with interest rates, mortgage...
110,0382ouichef-sousMy lil helper
110,0382multi_enumeratorSimultaneously process multiple enumerators
110,0382ruby-serialportRuby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.
110,0382leo-modelGeneric classes to write anything
110,0382kingWho is this king? I am.
110,0382spree_brontoIntegrate Bronto email server and cart recovery into Spree Ecommerce platform
110,0382refinedRefined scopes ActiveRecord collections automagicaly.
110,0382cobplexityGenerates CSV files that can be consumed by Microsoft Treemapper from COBOL source modules