Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132361-132380 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382gifshouldbedeadScreencast based on the libs gstreamer and gtk3 from the ruby-gnome2 project
110,0382jcnetdev-acts_as_state_machineThis act gives an Active Record model the ability to act as a finite state machine (FSM).
110,0382rest_in_place_bootstrap_sliderAn AJAX Inplace-Editor + Bootstrap-Slider for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline
110,0382exemplor-chaserLightweight mutation testing against exemplor
110,0382virtus_dynamicVirtus Dynamic Library
110,0382jcnetdev-comatoseComatose is a micro CMS designed for being embedded into existing Rails applications.
110,0382vyatta-utilsinclude vyatta config to command converter
110,0382krypt-osslA krypt shim to offer the same API as the Ruby OpenSSL extension. The implementation us...
110,0382ProntoJavaCheckstylePronto runner for Java
110,0382lazy_boyGem with layout and configs for lazy programmer.
110,0382redis-dequeAdds Redis::Deque class which can be used as Distributed-Deque based on Redis. Redi...
110,0382polished-knockoutAn Opal library for creating view models that use Knockout.js for dynamic HTML updates ...
110,0382flutterfy-cliFlutter CLI tool to increase development speed by automating common tasks
110,0382win32-soundThe win32-sound library provides an interface for playing various sounds on MS Wind...
110,0382vtoolsFFMPEG & FFMPEGTHUMBNAILER based video processor. Permits to generate thumbs and encode...
110,0382stuntedSupport code for functional programming
110,0382banyanPluggable categories and category groups to ActiveRecord models
110,0382stashboard_notifierInstalls a simple executable to your path that can be used to send a message to a stash...