Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132341-132360 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382tensai-logicLogic Framework
110,0382ng_will_paginateAllows you to incorporate will_paginate into an Angular on Ruby on Rails app.
110,0382minveeEasy to use RCS. Except not easy or usable yet because it's in the early, early stages ...
110,0382numformat_alejoA simple gem to format a number
110,0382negateA simple extension to numeric class so maps get less complex.
110,0382nie_easy_tableCreate Table easily for Rails app
110,0382sandrboxA sandbox for that tries to change all Ruby code executed to be safe and non-destructiv...
110,0382quarter_systemClass Quarter for handling with the division of a calendar year into an arbitrary group...
110,0382checkquizA simple gem
110,0382hola_mundo_hnRuby gem for test
110,0382shalmaneser-libCommon facilities for Shalmaneser and its modules.
110,0382numformat_memoMy first gem formating a number
110,0382donSimple command line interface to the Carbon Five Timesheet
110,0382escape_java_propertiesLibrary for loading and writing of Java properties files that matches java.util.Propert...
110,0382currency_to_wordsRails 4 helper to_words that displays a currency amount in words (eg. 'one hundred doll...
110,0382gtk_layer_shellThis is a set of Ruby bindings for the GTK3 version of GtkLayerShell, which is a librar...
110,0382slayer-authlogic_rpxAuthlogic extension/plugin that provides RPX (rpxnow.com) authentication support
110,0382ahojA simple hello world gem
110,0382lato_railsRuby gem for adding Lato font to Rails app using the asset pipeline.
110,0382mobilizePlaceholder for upcoming Mobilize gem