Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132481-132500 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382fix_request_processingFixs rails request processing, when passing b:[], rails will convert to nil which is no...
110,0382fhirThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
110,0382volunteermatchA lightweight Ruby wrapper that queries VolunteerMatch's Public-Use API for searching i...
110,0382faraday-lazyableA request is never sent till a response have need.
110,0382netsign-ios-checkboxesiOS-style Checkboxes for Rails asset pipeline. Customized specifically for Netsign requ...
110,0382transformersAn extension to hash to allow various transformations using simple DSL. Also has option...
110,0382fickleFickle lets you turn features on and off at will in your rails app using a web interfac...
110,0382remote_jenkins_jobInovkes a job on a remote jenkins server
110,0382grape-entity-hypertext_application_languageGrape Entity extensions for Hypertext Application Language
110,0382generate-object-propertyPlaceholder by RubyGems security team
110,0382japan_plane_rectangularConversion between WGS and Japan plane rectangular CS
110,0382mozpayThis is a rubygem for processing navigator.mozPay() payments on a server.
110,0382growing_queue_conditiona God::Condition for the god gem, which will alert on a neglected queue using any objec...
110,0382librepdfThis software changes a document into PDF by Libreoffice assistance under JRuby.
110,0382hash-ninjaHash toolkit for Ruby ninja
110,0382tk_inspect_railsRun and debug Ruby on Rails apps using TkInspect
110,0382apronFeature flags for chef nodes
110,0382mongokitHelpers for mongoid i.e auto increment fields, search index