Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134281-134300 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051jekyll-theme-clean-portfolioA clean jekyll theme for your Blog and Portfolio website
103,2051sidekiq_searchUses Sidekiq API to get all current jobs metadata and searches by it
103,2051pattern_matchablecall method with pattern match.
103,2051pack_rbA gem for driving the Packer command line tool from within your Ruby project.
103,2051rogRake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified i...
103,2051gnm-caplockAdds a lock file to Capistrano deployments to prevent concurrent deployments.
103,2051goonGoon is a minion that performs Tasks
103,2051magikkuRuby bindings to the libmagic(3) library for identifying unknown files and data contents
103,2051gamelanGamelan is a good-enough soft real-time event scheduler, written in Ruby, especially fo...
103,2051redis_objmethods for managing redis keys in an object oriented manner
103,2051yoomee-rwebthumbrwebthumb provides a ruby interface for the webthumb.bluga.net.
103,2051linggleuse linggle in your command line
103,2051jekyll-nested-menu-generatorProvides a tag that generates a nested navigation menu for a speci...
103,2051mongoid-falsehoodsMongo indexes do not handle querying by null values well. If we store them as false ins...
103,2051inst_data_shipperGem for uploading app data to Instructure CustomDev Hosted Data tooling
103,2051maiha-extThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
103,2051skeletalA gem to handle generating application structures for non-rails applications. Currently...
103,2051fieldmatterLibrary used in the fieldnote personal content management system. I wrote this library ...
103,2051kbaum-resque-retryresque-retry provides retry, delay and exponential backoff support for resque jobs. ...
103,2051jintasticjQuery based in-place editor generated by Formtastic