Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134301-134320 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051rails-extSet of common Ruby on Rails extensions
103,2051voteable_figoMy first gem, help you count the vote
103,2051signauthSignature authentication
103,2051dreadlocksPlace holder
103,2051roadtripThis is a quick little gem that uses Google Maps to determine the distance, duration an...
103,2051seapig-serverSeapig is a master-slave object sharing system.
103,2051nice-lineA client for nice-line-server
103,2051salut_karlheitmannSalut le monde, mi primera gema :). Simple gema de prueba
103,2051Roman2K-class-inheritable-attributesThread-safe class inheritable attributes
103,2051random_utilThis is useful for creating random characters
103,2051rack-webtranslateitProvide a web interface for updating your WebTranslateIt.com translations.
103,2051rails-validatorValidate inputs (Files/Email/Passwords)
103,2051ory-oathkeeper-clientORY Oathkeeper is a reverse proxy that checks the HTTP Authorization for validity again...
103,2051pangridA crossword file format converter
103,2051results_keeperResults Keeper is an application that helps to track and manage your Cucumber test resu...
103,2051google-cloud-media_translation-v1beta1Media Translation API delivers real-time speech translation to your content and applica...
103,2051mailjet-microBasic Mailjet ActionMailer support
103,2051geni-svgenesModified version of the bio-svgenes gem, for use in https://geni-act.org education webs...
103,2051scritturarun gem e install with .sh o objc