Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134341-134360 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051multidimensional_tableDescribe a multidimensional table in pure Ruby
103,2051rbpicrbpic ===== A high-level assembly dialect (RSM) that compiles into PIC assembly that t...
103,2051mm_uses_no_idMongoMapper plugin that removes ID field from EmbeddedDocuments
103,2051gettext-one_skyThis is a backport of i18n-one_sky-ruby to support gettext. i18n is not included in Rai...
103,2051daodalusTake the sting out of building complex MongoDB queries, updates and aggregations.
103,2051elucid-rails_adminRailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your d...
103,2051has_defaultSpecify a default instance to be returned for an ActiveRecord model
103,2051rdf_inferenceInference engine v0.0.6 - performance update
103,2051get_process_mem_pss_fixedGet memory usage of a process in Ruby
103,2051safely_backPrevents link_to :back from including any non URLs as a href
103,2051voteable_rubVoting gem for rails
103,2051pdf_validatorPDF/A Validation using Apache PDFbox
103,2051omg_imageDescription of OmgImage.
103,2051merge_dbWith merge db you can easily merge your databases and save all associations
103,2051PixelForce_FyBlogSelf-customized Simple Blog Engine for ComfortableMexicanSofa
103,2051graphqlifyGraphql is the best developer experience you can have while building api's. We make doi...
103,2051penso-feedzirraA feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan...
103,2051royw-drbmanSupport for running ruby tasks via drb (druby) on multiple cores and/or systems.
103,2051namxam-carmenA fork of the carmen gem by Jim Benton. This fork allows you to switch between dif...
103,2051rubstRewrite of Kenji's subst (http://www-cryst.bioc.cam.ac.uk/~kenji/subst/) in Ruby progra...