Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134361-134380 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800writethemanCreate, show and list articles for the middleman blog
102,5800r2flickrr2flickr is a fork of rflickr, a Ruby implementation of the Flickr API. It includes a f...
102,5800paygateThis is a simple Ruby wrapper for South African PayGate PayWeb 3
102,5800stuck_it_upDemo for building gems
102,5800universe-rails-testinggem install universe-rails-testing
102,5800alerte_rougeA simple Gem that allows you to report your monitoring events to www.alerte-rouge.fr
102,5800okcoinA ruby wrapper for okcoin.cn
102,5800pope_francis_drumsrgr8forn8ig-pay atin-lay anslator-tray
102,5800rack-syntax-highlighterUses Albino and Pygmentize to add highlighting to code blocks
102,5800wp-generatescript/generate for WordPress
102,5800api_engineAn API engine for Rails. Structure of the API is opinionated and designed to directly i...
102,5800send_to_kindleListen to OS modification then send an email to your kindle account to add documents
102,5800snidely_whiplashConvert simple partial views into a mustache template.
102,5800staugaard-idn_actionmailermonkey patch for ActionMailer to support international domain names
102,5800universaltranslatorA simple gem to translate metric units
102,5800purplish-accessorsAdd variations of attr_accessor for RubyMotion for iOS & macOS
102,5800xavierReverts state mutations.
102,5800perfect_auditPerfect Audit API wrapper. https://www.ocrolus.com/api-doc/
102,5800new_relic_pingProvides endpoint for NewRelic HTTP ping monitoring for Rails applications
102,5800sluggable_eduardoAnother slugs gem