Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134321-134340 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051rb_toolboxSome Ruby toold I need all the time
103,2051rcov_railsOne Rake task to give you rcov code coverage for your rails app. rake test:coverage
103,2051errors_forThis is used to aid on migrations of projects from rails projects 2.x to 3+ versions by...
103,2051google_booksA Ruby wrapper that allows you to query the Google Books API. This project was inspired...
103,2051rack-mongoSave data into your mongo collections through a rack app
103,2051pcptraceRuby bindings for PCP tracing library pcp_trace
103,2051nutritional_calculatorImplementación de la práctica 6 de LPP. Haciendo la clase alimento.
103,2051memdumpTools to manipulate Ruby 2.1+ memory dumps
103,2051holamakstaksA simple hello world gem
103,2051rsubstituteAn attempt to bring simple Arrange Act Assert mocking to Ruby. No strict mocks. No hass...
103,2051sequencescape-client-apiProvides all of the necessary code for interacting with the Sequencescape API
103,2051diff2xmlGenerate xml (xhtml, rss, etc.) from unified diff. This package contains diff2xml comma...
103,2051jekyll-multilingualMultilingual version of the Jekyll default theme
103,2051vm_tiny_tdsTinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...
103,2051signalfx-restclient-instrumentationOpenTracing auto-instrumentation for RestClient.
103,2051jekyll-deployJekyll 3.0-compatible deploy plugin
103,2051shipping_connectorShippingConnector is an abstraction library that makes connecting to various shipping ...
103,2051memcacherBetter memcache integration for Rails.
103,2051ihelpInteractive help