Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134601-134620 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051eve-railsEVE on Rails is a full-stack web framework built on top of Ruby Rails for rapidly devel...
103,2051jekyll_jam_commentsA Jekyll plugin for setting up JamComments in a Jekyll site.
103,2051great_gemTest Gem
103,2051powercash21Ruby API client for Powercash21
103,2051omniauth-rdio-oauth2OmniAuth strategy for Rdio OAuth2
103,2051multi_version_common_cartridgeTarget versions supported: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; Thin 1.2, 1.3
103,2051hello_rusta Ruby native extension using Rust with minimal dependencies
103,2051randomapiGets data from randomapi.com
103,2051slow-stepsA Jekyll theme designed to have two distinct styles, depending on current URL.
103,2051motion-floating-action-buttonEasily create a floating action button interface.
103,2051redlock_for_collectionThis is just a Redlock wrapper for collection of objects. Also it used a connection poo...
103,2051websocket-extensions-rubyThis gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
103,2051lita-libratooQuery librato metrics from Lita
103,2051mysql2-replicationmysql2-replication is an extension of [mysql2 gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/mysql2). I...
103,2051pollynomialAWS polly wrapper, converts from text into speech audio.
103,2051middleman-releasesManage a directory of software releases in your project
103,2051hipe-simplebtreeThis is a pure-ruby port of Takuma Ozawa's RBTree. (it has an identical interfac...
103,2051openshift-origin-consoleThe OpenShift Origin console is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface f...
103,2051redis_arrayCreate persistent, redis-backed arrays with a simple, familiar syntax