Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134581-134600 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051has_scheduleExposes an ice_cube schedule object and serializes it.
103,2051frontinGive your frontend code some respect in Rails! Don't even front.
103,2051ruslan_first_gemGenerate a ruslan token with ActiveRecord
103,2051ribsumRibsum is a lightweight Ruby gems library to generate Lorem Ipsum text. You can directl...
103,2051reverse_pipeA command to reverse pipeline text.
103,2051ribbon-flowWith this gem, you can connect and perform any operation on Ribbon Flow. It supports lo...
103,2051knife-spork-berksA workflow plugin to help many devs work with the same chef repo/server. Includes fixes...
103,2051giggleReturns a random programming joke
103,2051MoneyConversionsUsed to convert, do arithmetics and compare Money Objects
103,2051max_exchange_apiMAX Exchange API Ruby SDK
103,2051olap-viewRuby On Rails gem to visualize by Google Charts MDX queries on OLAP databases using XML...
103,2051hola_sizelA simple hello world gem
103,2051omniauth-cisco-sparkOmniAuth strategy for Cisco Spark
103,2051mattscilipoti-model_stepsStep Definitions for cucumber which support ActiveRecord Models
103,2051prisonThe easiest way to management FreeBSD jail.
103,2051heraldA simple and flexible notifier for Twitter, RSS, or email
103,2051root_insuranceRoot Insurance API client
103,2051jekyll-phpAdds better support for PHP in Jekyll
103,2051git_magicgit commands to show some magic, all git aliases in one place, find commits status of c...