Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134521-134540 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800smart-app-bannerA Rails helper for including iTunes app 'Smart App Banners'
102,5800puts_utilsHelpful utilities to puts in colour, tables and more.
102,5800scout_statsd_rackRack application monitoring with StatsD: reports key performance metrics for apps serve...
102,5800sps-subSubscribes to a SimplePubsub (SPS) broker
102,5800simplecov_checkerChecks for .rb files missed by SimpleCov
102,5800ost_runnerUse Ost as your ActiveJob backend
102,5800sankeyA small tool which generates Sankey diagrams.
102,5800thoughtafter-simple-rssA simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby. It is designe...
102,5800allthumbsGenerate single image from tons of thumbails
102,5800putioA simple ruby interface to the api at http://api.put.io
102,5800synergy_bootstrap_themeA simple synergy theme based on synergy_default_theme with twitter bootstrap
102,5800raffle_v1An admin sets up the raffle entry requirements. Users must meet the raffle validation r...
102,5800sshotgunA lib for writing server management scripts in Ruby. Useful for managing lots of servers.
102,5800space-saver-redisA pure Ruby implementation of the SpaceSaver algorithm for approximating the top K elem...
102,5800sensis-formtastic-rails3A Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup
102,5800rake-tasks-docker-setupDocker setup tasks for Rake
102,5800pannierPannier is a Ruby tool for the processing of web assets like CSS and JavaScript files. ...
102,5800red-datasets-daruRed Datasets Daru adds `#to_daru` method to each dataset in Red Datasets. Using this m...
102,5800technicalpickles-ranklesRanking algorithms.
102,5800repmanPacman repository manager