Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134561-134580 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051red-datasets-pandasRed Datasets Pandas adds `#to_pandas` method to each dataset and its table in Red Datas...
103,2051le_delayLogentries plugin
103,2051RubernateObject-oriented storage for Ruby objects based on relational database model
103,2051max31855MAX31855 thermocouple sensor library
103,2051mattapayne-rdefensioA Ruby Defensio library use to access the Defensio API.
103,2051ghostish-jekyll-themeGhostish is Jekyll theme designed to ease migration from Ghost.
103,2051lakesI wrote this gem to originally parse texas lake data
103,2051janus_gatewayjanus-gateway API client
103,2051mikrotik_configProvides a simple interface for exporting and importing Mikrotik router configurations ...
103,2051license-compatibilityCheck compatibility between different SPDX licenses
103,2051mss-sdkMeituan Storage Service SDK for Ruby.
103,2051shadowfax_apiShadowfax courier integration to give you access to different api endpoints passing the...
103,2051romtega_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
103,2051lti_nrpsImplmentation of the LTI NRPS standard for Ruby.
103,2051crazy-yardThis gem allows you to deploy your rails application to the Engine Yard cloud directly ...
103,2051rastExtends RSpec functionality by using the catch-all-scenario testing (CAST) principle.
103,2051ruby_easy_rsaWraps the EasyRSA scripts so that they can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.
103,2051natvis-joinA CLI gem to join multiple .natvis files into one
103,2051keydb-copycody zacharias PoC
103,2051redis-namespace-with-multiAdds a Redis::Namespace class which can be used to namespace calls to Redis. This is us...