Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
134541-134560 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051HelloWorldInCA first C extension in Ruby
103,2051hola_adsteelA simple hello world gem with a translator
103,2051graphiti_gqlGraphQL support for Graphiti
103,2051humidJavascript SSR rendering for Rails
103,2051pstizzle@pshizzle's personal style flavor: pstizzle!
103,2051redcarpet-form-extensionA Redcarpet extension with a custom HTML render to handle custom Markdown rules for tag...
103,2051peentar-smart_listingRuby on Rails data listing gem with built-in sorting, filtering and in-place editing.
103,2051gobbleFor more details, Visit http://gobble-it.herokuapp.com/api for more instructions
103,2051itau_shoplineGem para integração com Itau Shopline e implementação do itaucripto
103,2051rake-cThis Gem can build small C programs.
103,2051Html2FeedbooksHtml2Feedbooks is script to automate basic publishing on feedbooks.com
103,2051redcarpet-confluenceA Redcarpet renderer to convert Markdown to Confluence syntax.
103,2051delegate-classWrap a whole class (including classes methods) into a delegate class
103,2051cowordinateEasily determine parts of speech that describe any word
103,2051felixclack-cijoecijoe is a sinatra-based continuous integration server. It's like an old rusty pickup...
103,2051leftpad_paulw911leftpad_paulw911 gem - this is purely a personal test gem.
103,2051launcukeA simple cucumber runner gem
103,2051resque-honeySimple resque plugin for tracking job metrics with Honeycomb.io
103,2051mongoid_likesAdd liking ability to Mongoid documents. Also adds the inverse relation