Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
135201-135220 of all 180,507 gems.
64,8361evernote_utilsA thin OOP-friendly wrapper of Evernote Ruby SDK.
64,8361glengarryI HATE THIS FIELD
64,8361docktorDocktor is tool for defining and running multi-container applications with Docker, spec...
64,8361capybara_typo3_browsertestingShared TYPO3 integration tests.
64,8361jurin_view_toolGenerate copyright tag
64,8361coinsyncA tool for importing and processing data from cryptocurrency exchanges
64,8361blogeenA simple blog system
64,8361rubybenchSet of cases to measure ruby performance
64,8361api-resourceA lightweight REST API access library.
64,8361santa_maria-product_importerThis provides a consistent Ruby interface around SantaMaria APIs.
64,8361boldandblueThis is John Keith's Bold and Blue Octopress theme, ported into a gem that's usable wit...
64,8361capistrano-refinerycmsRecipes for installing RefineryCMS using Capistrano 3.x
64,8361hanzi-railsThis is a rails gem which provides Sass/JavaScript typesetting framework Han.css.
64,8361select2-sass-bootstrap-railsTwitter Bootstrap styles for select2 jQuery plugin. Base css from https://github.com/t0...
64,8361bastardThis won't make sense to use anywhere else
64,8361rbeautifyprettifier/beautifier for Ruby code [from http://www.arachnoid.com/ruby/]
64,8361gemwhoiswhois for gems, because gem names are like domains in the 90's
64,8361drewda_delayed_jobDelayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
64,8361coffee_tablerails cache gem to fragment cache with smart cache key management
64,8361gurmukhi_utilsLibrary for working with Gurmukhi text, providing various operations like unicode conve...