Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
135221-135240 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920chargifyrbChargify API wrapper for Ruby
95,5920codnarCode Narrator (Codnar) is an inverse literate programming tool. It splits the source fi...
95,5920html_mockupHTML Mockup is a set of tools to create self-containing HTML mockups.
95,5920confidential_info_redactor_liteThe lite version of https://github.com/diasks2/confidential_info_redactor - include you...
95,5920envvyLoad environment variables from various sources within the Rails initialization process
95,5920horoscopeCalculate the horoscope of a person given the birth date and time
95,5920dgenUsing the diceware method to generate passwords results in stronger passwords that are ...
95,5920rpirWiringRuby's extension for special components
95,5920spree_taxonomy_sortDisplays taxon sort field as text box in admin
95,5920codeprimate-cancanSimple authorization solution for Rails which is decoupled from user roles. All permiss...
95,5920google_plus_archivergoogle_plus_archiver is a simple command-line tool to archive Google+ profiles and publ...
95,5920gjt1Put here de description.
95,5920jekyll-plantuml-urlPlantUML diagrams in Jekyll pages from plantUML-url
95,5920cookiefilterCookie Filter uses a developer defined safelist of allowed cookies and their values to ...
95,5920dbget_clientDecrypts and uncompress MySQL and MongoDB backups from dbget server
95,5920ipscriptablesRuby-driven IPTables
95,5920dm-paginatorSimple DataMapper paginator
95,5920representationCreate different, named representations of a resource for cleaner state representation.
95,5920ddollar-test-gemlonger description of your gem
95,5920ejxCompile EJX (Embedded JavaScript) templates to Javascript with Ruby.