Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
135281-135300 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731bliptvA Ruby library from Blip.tv
110,9731mongrel_output_compressionA mongrel plugin to gzip or deflate compress all output if the client supports it.
110,9731bintjeOpenObject xmlrpc interface
110,9731ruby-treemap-forkTreemap visualization in ruby
110,9731LibrarySolutionA Ruby wrapper for TLC's Library.Solution v3.3.5 OPAC Web Services API.
110,9731pakyow-failAn failure handling library for Pakyow apps.
110,9731denA really simple static-site generator.
110,9731sbSafe buffers for Mote
110,9731ajax-datatables-rails-coverallsFork for Coveralls app
110,9731cameron_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
110,9731generate_from_diffCreate a Rails 3 generator from git commit history
110,9731datameterGet your ISP Internet Data Balance programmatically.
110,9731rock_pap_scissorsSimple Rock-Paper-Scissors game
110,9731net-imap-multiappendAdd IMAP MULTIAPPEND functionality to the net-imap gem
110,9731canistreamitA Ruby wrapper for canistream.it API
110,9731fillSimple DSL for filling (seeding) your database
110,9731fluent-plugin-verticaFluentd output plugin for Vertica.
110,9731ocarinaA Ruby project that uses machine learning to perform Optical Character Recognition
110,9731itunes_store_bot[Alpha version] Get your iOS App Rating, number of votes.. from the iTunes Store