Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
135241-135260 of all 180,507 gems.
64,8361action_mailer-mandrillUse this gem to send mails with Mandrill Templates from Action Mailer.
64,8361googlingWrite a longer description. Optional.
64,8361carousel-ruby-apiRuby Library for Carousel Fulfillment API
64,8361action_mailer_test_mailingSet one test-reciepient which gets all mails from th app in for example a test/staging ...
64,8361dylanRoll it!
64,8361gitlab-rougeRouge aims to a be a simple, easy-to-extend drop-in replacement for pygments.
64,8361despondersA stack of light-weight responders tailored to JSON APIs
64,8361remote_table-ruby19Remotely open and parse Excel XLS, ODS, CSV and fixed-width tables.
64,8361teascriptteascript is a non-whitespace sensitive coffeescript alternative.
64,8361chickenboxChickenBox installs all missing gems in an asynchronous manner.
64,8361cookie_crypt### Features ### * User customizable security questions and answers * Configura...
64,8361pages-railsOur long standing vision has been to bypass the usual admin dashboard structure, and mo...
64,8361safeconsoleA pry console that's safe for production use. Safeconsole wraps your console usage in ...
64,8361action_pushActionPush is a lightweight tool which allows you to organize Push notifications the sa...
64,8361embedderFinds info about urls
64,8361fluent-plugin-simplefileThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
64,8361action_queryUse this gem to provide an easy JQuery based wrapper for your routes.