Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
135261-135280 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920ruby_eurekaA Ruby Wrapper for Eureka Sidecar client
95,5920spina-conferences-primer_theme-forkFrontend for Spina::Admin::Conferences plugin, based on Primer.
95,5920jekyll-image-optimA simple Jekyll plugin to optimize images using image_optim. Configuration and usage in...
95,5920faceRuby wraper of SkyBiometry Face Detection and Recognition API
95,5920cruncherCruncher looks at your website and spits out the cookies used.
95,5920errorditeA ruby client for www.errordite.com
95,5920corednsGem which provide simple way to control DNS records.
95,5920smart_excerptAllows to create intellegent excerpt fields.
95,5920hola_naiithinkA simple hello world gem
95,5920fullcalendar.io-railsAsset pipeline bundling of the fullcalendar jquery plugin.
95,5920dillingerDillinger is a library for detecting and parsing bank statements in Ruby.
95,5920gem_test_dxWrite a longer description or delete this line.
95,5920rails_configuratorextend Rails::Configuration
95,5920dqscoreDQS Core methods and classes
95,5920coffee_beanA ruby gem for kickstarting a CoffeeScript project
95,5920html5_validatorRuby gem to test for valid HTML5 markup with RSpec
95,5920docx_templaterUses a .docx file with keyword tags within '||' as a template. This gem will then open ...
95,5920google-apis-publicca_v1This is the simple REST client for Public Certificate Authority API V1. Simple REST cli...
95,5920supergAdvanced Rails Generator for Models
95,5920sumo-check-redis-lengtha simple sensu check to check redis length values