Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
135341-135360 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731batch_api2A Batch API plugin that provides a RESTful syntax, allowing clients to make any number ...
110,9731dogeify-tutorial-88Gem to dogeify english. Creating as part of a tutorial.
110,9731slick-lightbox-railsslick-lightbox, a lightbox wrapper for Ken's amazing slick carosel, packaged as a gem f...
110,9731fluent-plugin-aws-elasticsearch-service-hotfixthis is a Output plugin. Post to "Amazon Elasticsearch Service".
110,9731kittenkitten is an evented webserver written in ruby for exposing application logic, models a...
110,9731chznbaum_view_toolView specific methods that provide generated HTML data for Rails applications, such as ...
110,9731omniauth-datadogOmniAuth OAUTH2 Strategy for Datadog.
110,9731changelog-cliA simple tool to add/modify lines to changelogs
110,9731decidim-decidim_geoComponent for manage geo files, like shapefiles, in a participatory space.
110,9731dict_clientThe Dictionary Server Protocol (DICT) is a TCP transaction based query/response protoco...
110,9731common-interfaceRapid Web Interface Creation for the Crystal framework
110,9731DirectoryBuilderdsl for building a diretory
110,9731agent_jonesA simple gem to fetch iOS signing certificates from a git repository
110,9731allowA very small authorization library.
110,9731jmonkeyengineEasily include JME3.0 into your project.
110,9731aliyun_exmail_csv_generatorRead the names from input, generate a csv file for importing accounts of aliyun exmail.
110,9731car_add2Car info save app
110,9731apisync-railsUse this gem if you're using Rails. If you're not using Rails, then use apisync-ruby gem.
110,9731dorian-shuffleShuffles the lines of the input e.g. `ls | shuffle`