Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
135301-135320 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731davidtrogers-grit"webrat is awesome"
110,9731mwhuss-xbox_toolsVarious tools for retrieving Xbox information in Ruby
110,9731captools== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * There are only two tasks * +pull_assets+ can help you download...
110,9731conmanconman is a server configuration management library
110,9731hexagonaljs-railshexagonaljs Rails generator
110,9731protoplasm-clientThe protoplasm client.
110,9731jw_hand_dryerDry your hands from the terminal.
110,9731logstash-input-mixpanelThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
110,9731diffenseBundler Security
110,9731musicboxAn album-based music catalog/player.
110,9731praxis-docs-code-examplesCode examples for the Praxis Docs Browser
110,9731rater_pdfsWrite a longer description or delete this line.
110,9731diff_colorizeCompare two text and decorate text differences.
110,9731rebusUniversal template compiler based on ruby dynamic evaluation feature. Minimalistic des...
110,9731diddyDiddy script runner
110,9731kyotorKyotor is OEM (Object-Entry-Mapper) framework for Kyoto Cabinet in Ruby
110,9731heap-helpersRails-compatible helpers for setting the heap.js snippet
110,9731seminarA simple hello world gem
110,9731hato-plugin-twitterHato plugin to send messages via Twitter
110,9731kanwei-algorithmsA library of algorithms and containers.