Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
135321-135340 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731motoneuron: Write a gem description
110,9731rgoA mysterious gem which works in mysterious ways
110,9731impastaA test spy that can impersonate a given class and/or track methods passed to it.
110,9731cocoapods-vemarsA short description of cocoapods-vemars.
110,9731pedalPedal is a fast, Webmachine based full-stack Web Framework written in Ruby for building...
110,9731altadataALTADATA Ruby gem provides convenient access to the ALTADATA API from applications writ...
110,9731cache_if_slowAuto cache slow requests or blocks of code.
110,9731dwnldrte a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
110,9731alf-shellThis project implements the `alf` commandline tool.
110,9731cohortserviceSource of truth for all your Galvanize cohort or campus woes.
110,9731mynyml-merb_simple_viewsMerb plugin that allows defining templates (views, css, js)in the same file as the cont...
110,9731mynyml-rack-js4xhrRack middleware to set application/javascript media type on xhr requests.
110,9731mynyml-simple_exampleAdd easy fancy-pants examples to your projects.
110,9731pass_attemptPassAttempt run a block depending on a custom proc.
110,9731compositor_nodeThe intention of this library is to make it easy to build up a structure of nodes which...
110,9731easy_as_pieMakes it easy to add Pie charts to Rails 3+ apps
110,9731cenvupCenvup is used to upload Chef Environment to Chef Server. Th...
110,9731compass-jquery-uia jquery-ui integration compass
110,9731billy_apiWrite a longer description or delete this line.
110,9731nmax_chГем выбирает из текста N самых больших чисел и печатает их на экран