Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138021-138040 of all 180,469 gems.
50,1070identity_linkerRuby library for accessing Cru's Identity Linking system
50,1070rails_document_readyA simple way to have per controller and per action methods called on document ready whe...
50,1070tokenizer_project_uni-trier_j-vA simple multilingual tokenizer for NLP tasks. This tool provides a CLI and a library f...
50,1070imdb_listsGet easy access to any public IMDb list, such as; Watchlists and Vote history lists. Ex...
50,1070rack-gistLoad gists in the background. KTHXBYE!
50,1070twitter_username_extractorExtract Twitter usernames in various formats from strings, URLs and mentions
50,1070volatiledbThe VolatileDB gem allows you to specify a key and an action yielding a particular piec...
50,1070omniauth-myvrOmniAuth strategy for MyVR
50,1070replrA single line REPL for your favorite languages & libraries.
50,1070timdex-rubyRuby wrapper for MIT Libraries' TIMDEX Discovery API
50,1070tinroof-tapsA simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database...
50,1070knife-artifactoryEnables basic authentication support for share and upload operations to Artifactory whe...
50,1070puppet-function-updaterRun this command with a space separated list of either function file paths, or director...
50,1070hpcloudUseful command-line tools for managing your HP Cloud services
50,1070freyaMinimal email generator
50,1070rkh-monkey-libcollection of sane ruby extensions
50,1070ejaja-baseBase class of ejaja
50,1070deodorantA CLI tool to inegrate github with gerrit
50,1070transcodeTranscode is a wraper on Video Transcoding.