Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138061-138080 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800open_ai_botTelegram bot for using ChatGPT, DALL-E and Whisper
102,5800seriaAdd dynamic JSON data to active records. Access it like documents. Query it.
102,5800nicholashubbard-production_log_analyzernothing really more to say
102,5800soauthRuby library that creates HTTP headers for OAuth Authorization using previously-obtaine...
102,5800syslogger-alexSame as SyslogLogger, but without the ridiculous number of dependencies and with the po...
102,5800seranDsl for wrapping RESTful apis.
102,5800togglifyA Rubygem that allows you to easily enable/disable parts of your ruby code.
102,5800ruboty-seppukuruboty plugin for seppuku.
102,5800seiyaA ruby spider like scrapy-python
102,5800big_resourcesA tools collection of iOS projects for iOS developer.
102,5800autobotsLoading and serializing models in bulk with caching
102,5800percy-capybara-bedrockCustom percy-capybara loader for Bedrock projects.
102,5800recipes_maticCopy beautiful recipes into project
102,5800paramsfileDynamically generate configuration files with YAML and Mustache
102,5800ruboty-hipchatHipchat adapter for Ruboty
102,5800uppityrobotCommand line wrapper for the UptimeRobot API (wrapper).
102,5800newfadNew fad can tri-words
102,5800phonemeExperimental gem to input a word and output a phenome for use in a dictionary file used...
102,5800plansCommand line application for creating markdown documents from templates and publishing ...
102,5800adjacency_list_builderThe string input can be generated here: https://csacademy.com/app/graph_editor/