Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138101-138120 of all 180,716 gems.
100,7731progressions-translatorTakes a set of keys in Yaml format and translates them through Google Translate.
100,7731my_string_extend_dplThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
100,7731probjectA lightweight actor-based concurrent object framework with each object running in it's ...
100,7731vagrant-ievagrant-ie is a plugin for vagrant that automates provisioning a Windows 7 box for IE t...
100,7731quikrA simple wrapper for quikr.com.This gem can extract Title,Price and Link in given listi...
100,7731my_string_extended_rakThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
100,7731foodie_mafulSimple couple of food
100,7731s3_data_packerThis tool will read files from S3 by a prefix, and combine the files into batch-like fi...
100,7731http_autorecWhen required, HTTPAutorec enables VCR (with WebMock) and all HTTP requests are cached ...
100,7731nagybence-sluggable_finderSEO friendly permalinks for your Active Record models
100,7731IvfcalcTakes as input the volume, time and drop_factor and returns the result for the IV flow ...
100,7731knife-runlist-compareA knife plugin to compare two runlists, expand them to lists of recipes and display the...
100,7731gitaly-zAuto-generated gRPC client for gitaly.
100,7731gruppoPostgreSQL Grouping Sets for ActiveRecord
100,7731joyy_view_toolProvides generated HTML datafor rails application
100,7731guard-shoryukenGuard::Shoryuken automatically starts/stops/restarts Shoryuken workers
100,7731indifferent-hashHashes that whose values can be accessed by a string key or a symbol one indifferently
100,7731onceover-metricsExample plugin for onceover
100,7731tildeathAn esoteric language interpreter for the imminently deceased.